
If you’ve experienced bullying or want to learn about this issue through the eyes of those affected, this project is for you. We believe the arts have the power to communicate, inspire, and heal. Even if you don’t consider yourself an artist, your voice is important. Welcome to our community. We’re so glad you’re here.

During the You Will Rise Project, I discovered that I am not alone in my struggle with dealing with the repercussions of being bullied. In addition, I discovered that dealing with things through art is extremely effective.

Jeri Chaffin, YWR workshop participant

This program taught a handful of outcasted young people with a bad past of being bullied to feel beautiful and gave them the push they needed to stand against bullying for good. The lasting impression for me was that it taught me that I get to control my own life, not the people who torment me.

Jason Elizondo, YWR workshop participant